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Bob Oliver Miss Rodeo USA Executive Board December 9, 2012
I met Jim inthe late 80's when the Pageant was still in Tulsa.  We really didn't work together till the Pageant moved to Oklahoma City.  I was in charge of transportation and my job was to transport the contestants and Jim to the various functions,whereever I took the contestants I took Jim.  We got to know each other by spending so much time together,after the Pageant we would keep in touch til the next year.  During the Pageant Jim would help with the contestants and I got to help Jim with his very large Camera Bag.  In those days he was having to have film developed during the Pageant so we would go to various stores to find the one that was best.  Where ever we went Jim would strike up a conversation with anybody and immediately was liked.  He had that ability to make people at ease and feel very comfortable around him. It didn't take much prodding to get Jim to participate in a practical joke,and we had a few of those.  Jim and I were the OLD TIMERS of the Pageant we had outlasted most of the staff and been through four different National Directors.  I always had problem with getting pictures of myself,that didn't last long around Jim,I had more pictures taken during that time than my entire life.  Luckily Jim was an outstanding Photographer and even made me look halfway descent.  We were at the Cowboy Hall of Fame one year right after a snow storm, and they had this really nice court yard with a rock fountain that was covered with snow and some ice.  Jim thought it would make a  great background for a picture, the security guards didn't have the same idea.  It only took Jim a couple minutes to explain to the guards that his idea was a good one and we got the picture.

The Miss Rodeo USA Committee was like a family Jim was the Patriarch of our family.  His Dedication,His Commmitment and His Friendship I will always miss.

Bob Oliver 
Barbara (Sloan) Shaw Executive Director, Miiss Eastern Oklahoma County November 17, 2012
In addition to serving as the official photographer for Miss "O", Jim was always a great friend to all in the pageant family.  Jim always displayed a sensitivity to individuals and would find a way to bring out the best in his photographic subjects.  He would draft anyone handy (usually a director or board member) to assist in photo shoots.  I remember him having me hide under fabric to hold his subjects dress so it would be "just right".  

Many examples of his generosity are shared by "pageant women", but even more, he truly cared about the well-being of all he came in contact with.  One such example happened after Miss America 2010. I had accompanied Jennifer Hancock, my former queen, to Las Vegas.  

We had separate flights returning to OKC, Jennifer's was very early AM, and mine after noon.   Jim had met a group of us for supper and heard that  Jennifer (then Miss Green Country)  intended to take a taxi to the airport by herself.  Jim was not willing for that to happen!  Furthermore, he didn't want me to wait the 5 hous for my flight in order to go with her.  He insisted that he meet us in the hotel lobby at 5:45 so he could escort Jennifer, stating simply that was the least he could do for "one of his girls".

I will always remember his kindness, and miss his commitment to friends as his "extended family".

Barbara Shaw,
Executive Director, Miss E.O.C. (formerly Miss Nicoma Park) 
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